What is Better for Your Carpet: Shampoo or Steam Clean?

There are various techniques employed to clean carpets but the two most widely used are Carpet Shampoo and Carpet-Steam Cleaning. Read on further to comprehend the best choice for your carpets.

Steps to Avoid Wrinkling Clothes During Laundry

We often find wrinkles on our clothes even after washing and drying them properly. Surprisingly, these wrinkles disappear when you send these same clothes for the laundry. It triggers the question in all of our minds what technique or hacks does this professional laundry use to prevent creases on clothes? Well, laundry professional knows theContinue reading “Steps to Avoid Wrinkling Clothes During Laundry”

Get Rid of 5 Most Common Stains from Your Clothes

An unsightly stain on your favorite clothes can be such an annoyance. Any kinds of stain have a different process of removing them, which can be a huge task. Check here the 5 most common types of stains that can be removed with small tricks.

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